Thursday, December 09, 2004

what for?

What drives me to write this blog? Do I not have anything better to do? Who am I writing this for? Why should I expect others to read this at the cost of their time? And if I am writing this for myself then is this not a manifestation of split-personality where the reader-me is expected to satisfy the needs of writer-me? I feel hooked on to these so many inverted hooks (?) which still continues to ruffle our peace of mind.

Khalil Jibran says "Rest in reason and act in passion". This is one of my favorite quotes but sometimes I find restlessness in reason and then emotions and convictions (however irrational thay might be, based on bias and long-held myths) come to my rescue. As I've already disclosed my state of confusion regarding my purpose of writing this. What makes me do this then? Well, I just feel like writing. Let me assume for the assurance of my rational self that feeling is the expression of our most wise, most profound, most sagacious self... rather it's an expression of our self, the complete self.

Offlate a strange feeling of intellectual exhaustion has started creeping into my ultra-sensitive (a euphemism for insecure) mind. One way other than ignoring it (I thought to do something different, anyway we are habituated to ignore so many things) is to expand the volume of informations I possess by annexing others' thoughts - reading others' work. But I am tired of doing that even. I am hoping to find a lasting satisfaction in exploring the unknown domains of my own mind. So I am set to go on an expedition or pilgrimage with hope and determination.

One more "reason" to do this is to redeem a new identity after six point someone identity I earned for myself in IITD. Well, I have to share so many thoughts pertaining to this topic. I would not start this now otherwise I would run a risk of digression. "Identity" has always intrigued my mind and I will soon come up with my opinions on this issue. The most disturbing question is whether it's an individual or social phenomenon?

So much to say!! Well, I've started.

Ironically this is my second post but it was written first. Due to some interruption it had to be posted later. Let this be the end of my goof-ups, though I know I am being extraa optimistic by saying this.

Cheers and stay tuned.

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