Since last weekend some thought waves were disturbing my mind. I allowed them to play their game in my mind and yesterday, finally, while I was riding back to my place, they presented themselves as a coherent picture. Let me share this picture with you and hope you will be able to see it as I did. It might require some abstract thinking but I will try to minimize your efforts. Let's start, come on.
I'm going to explain this, let's say, hypothesis by using a model. Let us visualize this model first. It's a very familiar model. Remember the diagram of an atom? A nucleus surrounded by concentric circles(orbitals) having electrons revolving around it. Also, there are fewer electrons in the orbitals that are closer to the nucleus, for instance there are only 2 electrons present in the 's' orbital. On the other hand we have more number of electrons in the outer orbitals, like 'd' and 'f'. You might have guessed that I am talking about some sort of hierarchy. If you guessed so, you are right. There are very few electrons that are near to the nucleus, and this implies something. I will talk about it in the following paragraphs.
That's my model. And I am sure it will make sense to you. Also, in this model, the nucleus as well as the electrons denote something. We will come to it later on.
Every electron enters to the system from outside the system. It starts from a point at the outermost circle, the periphery, and continues to make its way towards the centre along a spiral path. In every system here, the cyclic coordinate denotes time. The radial coordinate would denote different values as per the nature of the system. In the next paragraph we will talk about it. Usually an electron goes comes and closer to the nucleus as time progresses. It gains that value with the time. Sometimes, under favorable circumstances, a jump from an outer circle to an inner circle is also possible. It means that sooner an electron comes nearer to the nucleus. This jump saves time. A quantum energy is needed for bring about this jump and again it is supplied from different sources in different systems. I hope we are not confused till here.
The thoughts that came to my mind suggested me that there are many types of worlds existing in this universe. All these worlds can be seen and understood by our nucleus-electron model. One of these worlds is a world of truth- the intellectual world. At the center of this world, truth(nucleus) exists. Everything else revolves around truth. Everyone travels along the spiral paths and gain knowledge(value) with time. If a seeker(electron) is lucky enough to find a Guru(energy) then he gets a quantum jump and learns lessons quickly. It's so easy to verify this. By education, by reading books we learn quickly that otherwise would have taken much longer time. And if we get a mentor then the learning process is further catalyzed.
But this intellectual world is an ideal world where truth exists in the center. Actually, in non-ideal intellectual world, truth is slightly dislocated. It is so because the non-ideal intellectual world is generated by the ideal world's mapping on the practical world. When it is mapped on the world we live in, it becomes the academic world which is not a purely intellectual world. In the academic world, unlike the intellectual world, truth is not the nucleus. Every non-ideal world is bi-nuclei world, it has two centers so to say. In the academic world, for example, we have truth as the first and power as the second center. We not only acquire knowledge but also strive to obtain a degree that helps us to achieve some sort of confidence or control that is nothing but an indicative of power. Does that explain the cut-throat competition for IITs and IIMs? Does that explain the meaning of success? Yes, it is nothing but a quantum jump towards the center.
Similarly we have the aesthetic world having beauty at the center. We might have other worlds as well but I think I have mentioned the prominent ones.
Now we can move on to the worldly world that dominates all the other worlds - the political world. It is this world that modifies a purely intellectual world into an academic world by its sort of 'electromagnetic' influence. Now no credit for guessing what lies at the center of this world. Obviously power. Power. It is the power which makes this system run. Again, we must remember that noone, nobody can reach at the center and holds all the power. Look around. Can you find anyone who has infinite power? No. There is noone. Not a single man! Even the most powerful man has his insecurities. Even he has a man or a group of men to be afraid of. You may think about it in detail. But the immutable fact is : The center is not for any electron, there exists the nucleus.
In our world, where we live, we have mostly bi-centric worlds, except the pure political world of course. I acknowledge that this model is a very basic postulate and it can be developed further. I am just presenting a foundation, a template.
These thoughts were disturbing me because I wanted to find out my world. I was seeking the nucleus that will become my goal of life. Will it be truth? Or beauty? Or simply power? Or something else? Which type of electron am I? What is my essential nature, my Dharma? Which element is predominant in me? Yes, that's the word. Predominant. Of course I want and I need all, truth, beauty and power as well, but which of them would rule my destiny?
Ohh, I don't have to worry about that. My destiny will choose me, or perhaps it has already chosen me. My task, my duty is only to allow it to work through me. I must submit myself to it, the higher force.
"I am an experiment on the part of Nature, a gamble within the unknown, perhaps for a new purpose, perhaps for nothing, and my only task is to allow this game on the part of primeval depths to take its course, to feel its will within me and make it wholly mine. That or nothing!" - Hermann Hesse
That's my MORALITY! My only morality!! I am feeling so light! And lighted!
So far so good. I was making sense to myself at least. But then an image flashed in my mind! Out of nothing! It was a revelation! Almost miracle! I have no expression, no word to articulate my amazement. I felt that I have gone crazy! It was so much shaken that I did something very stupid, something I had never done in my life. I bought a cigarette and smoked!
You know what did I see? I saw Krishna! I saw his Sudarshan Chakra.
Eureka!! This is the world we live in, this is the political world!! And His finger is there at the center! He is at the center! He is omnipotent, the one who has absolute power.
Some more contemplation explained our craving for power. As the chakra is revolving around his finger, the proximity to the center gives stability! Those who are at the periphery are weak and vulnerable. They are likely to be thrown out.
I know it was crazy. But this is what it was.
And it was not all.
I thought how amazing it is. Krishna is in the power chakra and he is also outside it!! Wow! So there are other ways to go to him. Yes there is spiritual way, nay there are many, infinitely many spiritual ways. Every religion is a way. All the ways lead to Him.
Then the halo around his head attracted my attention. Ha Ha.... I found the intellectual world as well! And His head is at its center. His head is the nucleus. The truth lies in His head. We can never know it all. We are not allowed the truth. Though we can and we do acquire knowledge.
I was actually feeling out of my senses. Strange thoughts were invading my poor mind. And I was secretly enjoying as well. But I must admit I was a little scared.
The last thing that needed an explanation was Love. Where is love in this schema? I didnt see it anywhere. It is perhaps too fine for my eyes. But then I thought that it is love that is the reason behind everything. It is the force that inspire electrons to revolve around the nucleus. It is.. ohh I must stop, it is blasphemous to talk more about it, it is ineffable, it should not be trivialized...
1 comment:
That which you tried to explain in this post is worthy of 6000 books, and I am glad you tried to talk about it. These mysterious experiences are one of the greatest gifts.
The more you will try to explain it, the more you will want to explain. The only way to talk about it in a controlledc manner, is mystical love poetry like that of Rumi. And that too is like a mere signboard. Prose cannot carry the weight of this magnificent grandeur of a human mind.
What you are talking about is very beautiful, and beyond description. Krishna is the Purush in Brij and all the gopis dance around him like electrons. In the atomic space of Brij, Krishna is the ONLY Purush. The easiest way to the Lord is like a woman-- submitted, head covered, perhaps in meekness or shame for being an electron out of joint.
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