Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Existential Crisis

'The Scream' by Norwegian expressionist painter Edvard Munch .

Acknowledgement: Thanks Sanket, for telling me about this beautiful painting. :)


Braveheart said...

How about discussing expresionism here?
-- Akshaya

Abhishek* said...


Ok if you say then I will try. As per my understanding this genre of painting focuses less on imitaion of nature and more on symbolism to get a feeling across. As we stop being amazed by nature due to habit and familiarity, expressionist use unusual colors to recreate the beauty of nature in our eyes.Also, by doing this they convey a particular mood. In this painting, we see a red sky. Now red is not a usual colour you use to paint sky. But we get a feeling of setting sun and the colour effects a feeling of depression in our minds, which is the mood of this painting. So we see that expressionist are not much bothered about mirroring the nature but their prime concern is to express their thoughts by these paintings. They end up disturbing our thoughts. We come back and look at the painting again which initially looked ordinary and somewhat weird. That's their greatness. They distort the reality and disturb our thoughts. They create emotions with which we are not comfortable, because our language has no word for them. Hope I am making sense.

That's expressionism for you.