Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Being Gay

Reverend Father, I want to make a confession - I find men attractive. I have always found them attractive.

Have you seen Sir Viv Richards? No, no, not his face. I mean have you seen Sir Viv Richards walking? Well, leave alone his batting, I find his swagger more attractive than any catwalk any day. Classic stuff!

Oh come on! Don't be prissy about it. You should know that it's not illegal anymore. While you were busy getting outraged, the caravan of mankind was progressing to the better side of Brokeback Mountain. Open your eyes father, and look at the vast valley of freedom stretched as far as your eyes can see.

Personally speaking, I don't care about this legal thing much. What difference does that make anyway? Do they keep an eyes on us in bathroom? I guess they don't. You can sing as you like when nobody is there - classical or punk. That's nobody's business. Why so much fuss then?

Some people are talking in drawing rooms about how Indian democracy has matured and how it has listened to the voice of minority. Since they are well-read people, there must be some sound reason behind all this fuss - one involves adoption rules. Perhaps homosexuals are now eligible for adoption. There is a big plus point there - kids will not be emotionally tormented by questions like who do you love more - mummy or papa?

Now the lovely little wars of favorite will be fought between papa1 and papa2. That sounds funny, but at the same time my heart goes out for the poor kid. Among other things, I don't see too much of shopping happening in this household. I would pray to God to give him faith.

I wonder if gay marriage can be reconciled with arranged marriage. Given the falling gender ratio, the rocketing school fees, and above all - the aversion of parents towards court marriages, it looks possible. I wish to see that happen in my lifetime. I am optimistic, for Linda Goodman says that we are living in an Aquarian age - the age of unisex. I am waiting to see description of a male bride in "Grooms Wanted" section - that will be real blend of tradition and modernity. Democracy will sing "Jai Ho" that day, not in bathroom but out in the open.

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