Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Infernal Spirituality

In the hell, as one would reasonably speculate, virtually everything is infernal. The inmates of the hell are perpetually possessed by the seven infernal ghosts. And when an infernal speaks, a gray lizard leaps out of mouth and spits dark venom fuming with an infernal hatred. In an infernal complicity, the nostrils would burst out black lathers of smoke, and the eyes would lash out infernal violence.

In the hell, ugly is not untrue. If it sounds terrible, so it is.

Perhaps worse than that, since hell is name of the Shawshank where even hope of redemption is mocked at. Even the God has been, so to say, infernalized. After being carved in gold and glittery, He has been given a kingdom, a virgin, a gun, and an absolute power to do whatever He would like to do with them. His sloth is salvation for Man. His gluttony is waited on, His pride is flattered, and His wrath is pacified. His phallus is washed by milk.

He was reportedly heard saying "yada yada... sambhavami yuge yuge". Perhaps Dharma has not decayed enough for Him to descend. Perhaps He is waiting for the Dharma to decay more enough, and meanwhile, He is getting His phallus washed.

On the other hand, oblivious to their sins, or incorrigibly impenitent, the inmates of hell cross their hearts and pray - "O almighty Lord! Please accept my humble offerings. And have mercy on me. I will come to your shrine on your next eleven birthdays if you bless me. Give her to me; if you can not, then kill her so that no one gets her. Amen."

To the infernal God - the God of gold and the God of gore - they bring their hard-stolen herd of cattle to sacrifice. They cross their hearts, make the bleeding obeisance, and cross their hearts again.

As Shaw would swear, hell is hell of an interesting place, where sacrifice is not only painless but also delicious. Hell has life, especially in night, with loud-speakers blaring on. With neon-light dinners more than making up, even fasting is fun. In hell, religion has work-arounds, and short-cuts. You just need to have the right resources.


Unknown said...

I don't know why but some of your posts call for a carousal.

Although I know what Shaw intends and cannot possibly mean; but hell is when you cannot love even if you want; where your eyes and hearts are sealed from your beloved, and where you cannot speak and have an intimate dialogue. That is why hell burns in jealousy. It is full of that fire which leaps over the hearts of men at the remembrance of their beloved. One's hell comes to an end the moment any seed of love, as small as mustard, takes root. Forgive my words, but God is jealous by nature, which does not mean he is not merciful. Everything, good or bad, is God.

He's one, the true.
He's only.
His name is Who.
Who's he?
He lives the word;
it's Be.

Yada yada... is everyday. The resurrection is within. One need not wait for any last judgment, it is happening right now. Live it. Wake up into the resurrection. Don't wait any more, my friend, live it right now. Get in touch with the Writer-Producer-Director of the Leela immediately. He has great many roles planned for your career in acting-- father, son, husband, friend... Be.

triguna vishaye vedah nistraigunya bhavarjun: some choicest words. It means: knowledge concerns the three modes of natures; become free from their influence.

In short, to sum it all up: Best wishes, enjoy.

Unknown said...

Meanwhile, He is getting his phallus washed. Ha ha ha!!!