Saturday, January 10, 2015

For Raif*

He insulted by making a disrespecting movie. He was killed. You said, "you asked for it; why did you make that disrespecting movie at first place"? 

He insulted by drawing a disrespecting cartoon. He was killed. You said, "you asked for it; why did you draw that disrespecting cartoon at first place"? 

He insulted by writing a disrespecting book. He was killed. You said, "you asked for it; why did you write that disrespecting book at first place"? 

He insulted by writing a disrespecting post on his blog. He was killed. You said, "you asked for it; why did you write that disrespecting post on your blog at first place"? 

He insulted by uttering a disrespecting word. He was killed. You said, "you asked for it; why did you utter that disrespecting word at first place"? 

He insulted by making a disrespecting gesture. He was killed. You said, "you asked for it; why did you make that disrespecting gesture at first place"? 

He insulted by raising a disrespecting head. He was killed. You said, "you asked for it; why did you raise your disrespecting head at first place"?

He insulted by asking a disrespecting question. He was killed. You said, "you asked for it; why did you ask that disrespecting question at first place"? 

He insulted by being. He was killed. You said, "you asked for it; why did you BE at first place"?      

This is not a mere point of view. And this is not a mere rhetoric. To BE anything but "submissive without doubt" (in other words Muslim) has been seen as disrespecting in their theology, as well as in their History. Book a ticket to Iran or Saudi Arabia to have first hand experience. There is no IS or Boko Haram there. If you are scared, that's exactly the point.

Here is the fact - there is no minority left in any country ruled by Sharia, forget about fancy things like democracy and human rights. Even in countries like Bangladesh, which owes its very existence to India, non-Muslim Hindus have been systematically eliminated by Muslim Hindus**. Day in and day out, the infidel crawls in dhimmitude, precisely as prescribed by Sharia. Did these non-Muslim Hindus draw cartoons too? Or were they killed just for their being infidels***?

It is this fact alone that is making the ongoing self-flagellation on cartoon controversy a farce. This is high-time we started to see beyond the smokescreens of propaganda, political correctness, and platitudes. In the age of internet, ignorance is a cardinal sin. Wake up, and switch on the light. Face the Truth.

*Raif Badawi - a blogger who insulted by writing a disrespecting post on his blog. Punishment by Sharia court - 1000 lashes and 10 years in prison. Today he received first installment of 50 lashes.

The whole edifice of this death cult stands on Fear (mostly among Muslims) and Ignorance (mostly among non-Muslims). Raif frightens because he defies Fear. Raif is a hero as a man and a superhero as a symbol. We owe him (and people like him) our freedom.

**Hindu - a Persian word, denoting those who live beyond the Sindhu (Indus) river. It doesn't mean anything else.

***Sounds outlandish? Read Quran. Refer to Quran 9:5 to start.

Issued in Public Interest

When a fanatic M kills you, instead of going berserk your family should be thankful to the millions of moderate Ms out there who didn't kill you so far, and saved you so far from the eternal fire of hell, where you are destined to be (as per their faith). The dhimmi heads ought to bow before the life-saving Inaction of the great, the compassionate, the merciful. Do the math; look at the positive; and have your rotting body removed before the accusing stink starts to upset the precious sensitivities around. 

Politics is the art of possible. Gandhi and his acolytes were bunch of rabble-rousing goons who routinely over-reacted to the sporadic excesses by few wayward Brits and ignored millions of others who believed in sunbathing and Wodehouse. He too chose to ignore the majority Christian Inaction and looked only at the actions of the fringe.

For that matter, did anyone care to count how many Nazis were NOT burning Jews? Is it not unfair to badmouth millions of innocent Nazis and their prophet Hitler* because of a handful few misguided Nazis? And who knows for sure - Jews might have provoked these boys in their vulnerable moments.. Don't forget - it is under the leadership of the prophet the lost race became such a huge power in such a short span of time. Is it not a divine miracle? 

Ah! If only the prophet had won the war! He would've relegated the reigning Last, his predecessor who he reportedly revered, to the second last. His word would've been hailed as the last word. If only! 

This is a call to enter this growing faith (practiced primarily by the left-liberal atheists) worshiping the holy trinity of the Arab-medium Allah as the creator, Moderate Muslim (and Spiderman) as the preserver, and the Offended-Victim (or Reluctant Fundamentalist) as the destroyer. This is the ONLY way to go. With my right hand firmly supported by the Holy Mein Kamph, I am speaking the truth, the only truth, and nothing but the truth.

*my faith! any problem?

Quiz - if one was to make a movie called "The First Holocaust', based on the events of History, who do you think the villain would be?

Sunday, January 04, 2015


As I was looking for the medicine I wanted, a salesgirl passed by me. She took a few steps before turning and asking - 

- Sir, can I help?
- Yes, thank you. I am looking for Benadryl.
- There it is, to the rightmost in the 3rd row from top. 

Before I could look in that direction, a voice coming from the other side pulled my attention.

- Why everyone is ignoring me! I am diabetic, and I need to go to the restroom. It has already been fifteen minutes. I can't wait any longer. Can I see the manager?

She was about 70 years old, may be more, with some contraption wrapped around her right leg. With that big a body, life must have been too heavy for her to drag. Moreover, she had a cart to push around, carrying around her belongings, perhaps all her belongings in it. In the cold world out, she was homeless. Her dignity was still there on her face, probably misplaced and certainly wounded. It seemed to me that she had seen better days.

- What's the matter with these guys? They come to our country and get everything. And see how they treat an old citizen! We open our doors for them, and they deny us a restroom! 

Since the salesgirl had left muttering something on her phone, she was talking to me now. She needed to be heard; and she needed to hear someone else.

I didn't know what to do. I looked down. 

- I have used this restroom before. I clean it before leaving, sometimes before using. But they make me suffer. They have no mercy, these guys. I wish someone pees in the aisle. Being a female I cannot do that. But I wish someone did. That would serve them well. 

I wanted to help her but I couldn't. After all I was not the manager. Or perhaps I could. I could have requested the salesgirl to help her. Or I could have helped her with few pennies to pay in public toilet. But nothing occurred to me then. I had been surprised by the situation. 

Moreover, I had my own issues to deal with. I had not found the medicine I wanted. It was late and I had to decide between buying a different Benadryl or waiting for the next day. Right at that moment, I was expected to do the right thing by many people, and I was going to disappoint all of them.

- May be our senator should see this. May be he should see how they treat us. May be he should get the immigration rules changed to filter out people like these.

I took whatever Benadryl there was and rushed towards the cash counter. I had a long list but I was not sure I wanted to buy anything from that store. I stood in the queue, waiting for my turn. There were many counters, but I didn't see a single soul.

My turn came, and the automatons did what they had been programmed to do. 

-  What else one can expect from you! The place you come from is well known to torture people. Now you come here to torture us. What else one can expect from you! 

She emptied herself, but left without relief. The door of restroom remained closed. All of us were helpless. None could open it.