Monday, May 18, 2015


Arabia, about 1500 years back. Mohammed and his followers were in do-or-die conflict with rest of the population. 

The war, as usual, was being fought at every level, in every corner, including the market. This is what this post is about. This post is about economic terrorism.

Near about 99% population would have been non-vegetarian in the deserts of Arabia in the times of Mohammed. And food and animal farming would have been one of the predominant sectors of the economy. 

Given that, if one managed to capture the supply side of the food industry, the production of meat, he would pretty much capture the economy by the scruff of its neck. 

The question was how to effect this economic coup. How do you make your people take the war to their home and hearth, without being ugly naked about it? Let's devise a strategy that sounds convincing; let's Allah reveal something technical this time.

And lo! you have halal, which means that the animal will be slaughtered only in the name of Muslim God by chanting Allah-o-Akbar, implying that only Ummah would control the production of meat and dominate the food industry. Halal is a certificate not just to stamp food or even its means of production but the people who could produce it - what's allowed (or halal) to be consumed could only be produced by those who are allowed to perform the necessary ritual. Others could shut their shop and go home.

In other words, halal is nothing but an economic sanction on non-Muslims in order to establish a monopoly in food market. It means nothing else! Rest is smokescreen. It was genius of an innovation, evil but effective. Combine this with jizya (tax for protection), and you wreak a veritable holocaust on kuffar or dhimmis, without spilling a single drop of blood.

The only question now is - how important is understanding halal today in the globalized economy? Well, I would rather you reach your own conclusion. But when one steps into a Nepalese restaurant in downtown San Francisco and reads "We Serve Halal Meat Only", one cannot help but wonder.

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