Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Taste of Sweet

Sweet has two tastes, at least. It tastes one way to those who get to eat it.  And it tastes quite differently to those who don’t get to eat it. It might have another taste for those who are fed or overfed against their wishes, and we can talk about aftertaste etc. but let’s not get too technical about it.

The question is – which taste is the right taste of sweet? And who can describe it – one who got to eat it or one who didn’t? Or both?

The taste of one sweet might be different from the taste of another sweet. But the taste of sweetlessness doesn’t change; sweetlessness tastes the same no matter what the sweet is. The taste of want and unfulfillment is the same.

The question comes back – could the taste of unfulfilled desire (to eat sweet) be one of the valid tastes (of sweet)?

Alas! One knows the price; other knows the value.

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