Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Anti-Dowry Laws: Instruments of Blackmail?

The Dowry Prohibition Act, was enacted with the intention of protecting wives from marital violence, abuse and extortionist dowry demands. However, the actual implementation of these laws has left a bitter trail of disappointment, anger and resentment in its wake, among the affected families.

The truth is, that there were adequate provisions in the IPC Sections 323, 324, 325 and 326 for use against anyone who assaults a woman or causes her injury. The Indian Penal Code was amended twice during the 1980s — first in 1983 and again in 1986 — to define special categories of crimes dealing with marital violence and abuse.

In 1983, Section 498A of the IPC defined a new cognizable offence, namely, "cruelty by husband or relatives of husband". This means that under this law the police have no option but to take action, once such a complaint is registered by the victim or any of her relatives. It prescribes imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years and also includes a fine. The definition of cruelty is not just confined to causing grave injury, bodily harm, or danger to life, limb or physical health, but also includes mental health, harassment and emotional torture through verbal abuse. This law takes particular cognisance of harassment, where it occurs with a view to coercing the wife, or any person related to her, to meet any unlawful demand regarding any property or valuable security, or occurs on account of failure by her, or any person related to her, to meet such a demand.

During the same period, two amendments to the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, enacted in 1984 and 1986, made dowry giving and receiving a cognizable offence. Even in this case, where a person is prosecuted for taking or abetting dowry, or for demanding dowry, the burden of proof that he had not committed the offence was placed on the accused. [Same in case of Rape. Imagine falsely being accused of offence like rape!]

However, no punitive provisions were added for those making false allegations or exaggerated claims. There is, of course, the law against perjury (lying on oath). But in India, the courts expect people to prevaricate and lawyers routinely encourage people to make false claims because such stratagems are assumed to be part of the legal game in India. Therefore, the law against perjury has hardly ever been invoked in India.

Section 406, to be invoked by the woman to file cases against her husband and in-laws for retrieval of her dowry prescribes imprisonment of upto three years for criminal breach of trust. Often, highly exaggerated or bogus claims are made by unscrupulous families who demand the return of more than was given as ‘stridhan’, using the draconian sections 498A and section 406 of the IPC as a bargaining tool.

Furthermore, another Section 304B was added to the IPC to deal with yet another new category of crime called “dowry death”. This section states that if the death of a woman is caused by burns or bodily injury, or occurs under abnormal circumstances, within seven years of her marriage and it is shown that just prior to her death she was subjected to cruelty by her husband or any relative of her husband, in connection with any demand for dowry, such a death would be called a “dowry death”, and the husband or relative would would be deemed to have caused her death. The burden of proof is shifted to the accused party. The basic spirit of Indian jurisprudence is that a person is presumed innocent till proven guilty. However, in all these cases the person is assumed guilty till proven innocent.

The person held guilty of a "dowry death" shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than seven years but which may extend to imprisonment for life. By inserting a new section 113B in the Indian Evidence Act, the lawmakers stipulated that in cases that get registered by the police as those of “dowry death”, the court shall presume that the accused is guilty unless he can prove otherwise. [Prey tell me how can anyone prove that? How dreadfully Kafkaesque!]

This is understandable in cases of death because the unnatural demise of a woman through suicide or murder is in itself proof that something was seriously wrong in the marriage. But problems arise when the same presumption applies to cases of domestic discord where the underlying cause of conflict is not necessarily the husband's violence, abuse or economic demands but due to the couple's inability to get along with each other.

The law was recast, heavily weighted in the woman’s favour, on the assumption that only genuinely aggrieved women would come forward to lodge complaints and that they would invariably tell the truth. In the process, however, the whole concept of due process of law had been overturned in these legal provisions dealing with domestic violence.

With the police as well as lawyers encouraging female complainants to use this as a necessary ploy to implicate their marital families, making them believe that their complaint will not be taken seriously otherwise. It has become a distinct trend to include dowry demands in every complaint of domestic discord or cruelty, even when dowry was not an issue at all. This has created an erroneous impression that all of the violence in Indian homes is due to a growing greed for more dowry. [Women indulged in adultery can control their husbands now, thanks to our law makers. ]

This tendency has received a further fillip with the enactment of 498 A, mentioning dowry demands seems to have become a common ritual in virtually all cases registered with the police or filed in court, misusing the provisions of sections 498A and 406. Even members of many women’s organisations themselves acknowledge such abuse. Things have come to this pass, not just due to police and judicial corruption/apathy but also because the laws, as they are currently framed, lend themselves to easy abuse.

All these amendments placed draconian powers in the hands of the police without adequate safeguards against the irresponsibility of the enforcement machinery. There are any number of cases coming to light where Section 498A has been used mainly as an instrument of blackmail. It lends itself to easy misuse as a tool for wreaking vengeance on entire families, because, under this section, it is available to the police to arrest anyone a married woman names as a tormentor in her complaint, as “cruelty" in marriage has been made a non-bailable offence. Thereafter, bail in such cases has been denied as a basic right.

This law has lent itself to gross abuse, because arresting and putting a person in jail, even before the trial has begun, amounts to pre-judging and punishing the accused without due process. Although a preliminary investigation is required after the registration of the F.I.R, in practice such complaints are registered, whether the charges are proved valid or not, and arrest warrants issued, without determining whether the concerned family is actually abusive, or they have been falsely implicated. Our laws do not recognise the possibility of daughters-in-law maltreating old in-laws or other vulnerable members of their husband's family.

There are any number of cases where the problem is mutual maladjustment of the couple rather than abuse by the entire joint family. However, a host of relatives, including elderly parents, who are not necessarily the cause of maladjustment, have all been arrested and put in jail for varying lengths of time before the trial begins. There have been several cases where judges have refused bail unless the accused family deposits a certain sum of money in the complainant’s name as a precondition to the grant of bail.

There have been of instances where the main point of discord between the couple was that the wife wanted the husband to leave his parent's home or an old widowed mother and set up a nuclear family. Since the man resisted this move, the wife used 498A as a bargaining device, without success though.

Indeed, there have been many cases where the woman uses the strict provisions of 498A in the hope of enhancing her bargaining position vis a vis her husband and in-laws. Her lawyers often encourage her in the misguided belief that her husband would be so intimidated that he will be ready to concede all her demands. However, once a family has been sent to jail even for a day, they are so paranoid that they refuse to consider a reconciliation under any circumstances, pushing instead for divorce, then they are in a fight to the finish. Thus, many a woman ends up with a divorce she didn’t want and with weaker, rather than strengthened, terms of bargaining.

Often, these highly exaggerated or bogus claims made by unscrupulous wives and her family fail to stand scrutiny and many cases do not go far because the charges are so exaggerated that the cases fall through. In many instances, out-of-court settlements are made, by presenting, with mutual consent, a joint petition/ in the High Court u/s 482 Cr. P.C., using 498A as a bargaining point by the woman’s family. But this in itself amounts to using the law as a weapon of intimidation rather than a tool of justice defeating the letter, spirit and purpose of the law depriving the truly deserving cases of her legitimate dues.

Courtesy http://peterzohrab.tripod.com/dowrlaws.html

and some more here.


Unknown said...

Hi Abhishek,

Very nicely written post. You are very correct. In recent times, misuse of dowry laws has broken many a families. I don't know if you have heard of Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF), its an NGO committed to create awareness about this misuse. Do visit the websites,


for more info.

Anonymous said...

It is a tragedy, that Indian women are harassing their husbands when it comes to divorce, with the purpose of extorting as much money as possible, and the government is encouraging them to do this.

Please keep your message short, and remember to write to the media, so that many more people can read your good work!

kharaksingh said...

Dear Abhishek, Yes Our India is being ruined by these dranconian laws as 498a. As you know..we grew up listening "Bachhe kal ka bhavishya hain"..I am determined to make our India a better place like my father.
God bless you

telugulinks said...

Hi Abhishek

Very truely said. Hope gov will open its eyes very soon and do something concrete to save lakhs of innocents of husband's family from the harrassment of the biased and baseless laws.


Anonymous said...

Well said Abhishek. Nowadays, these laws are used not as legal protection tools, but as leathal weapons to destroy husbannd and his family. The politicians should feel shame for making such a loop holed laws.

Anonymous said...

Great article Abhishek. Our country is run by Eunuch politicians, my apologies to Eunuchs for comparing them with our politicians. This breed is worse than Eunuchs I must say as they can even sell their mothers for the sake of illegal money and power.Take my word bro that day s not far when our country will burn with civil war in all corners as the situation s getting over the head and its getting difficult day by day for a common man to breath. Its a fact that terrorists/moists/criminals are the product of the sick society and not born. As and when innocent people are humiliated,harrassed and punished bcoz of the system's weaknesses some of them take law in their hands and those who revolt against this sick system are branded as terrorists, moists or criminals. I prey to the Almighty to kill all corrupt politicians, law makers who are ruining the life of common people.


Anonymous said...
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Abhishek* said...

Thanks, but no thanks.

I have only copied and pasted this article. So I have no right to accept any applause.

It is sad that law has been a mistress of the rich and powerful. It is sad that law is used as a means to use power over the weak (sex no bar). The numerous loopholes of our legal system is exploited by the cunning lawyers like Ram Jethmalani, who is notoriously known to protect criminals.

More specifically, "the accused is guilty till proven innocent" is ridiculous. The burden of proof must be on the one who makes a claim.

Also, such laws provoke people to break the bond of matrimony for flimsy reasons. No wonder urban India is facing a rising divorce rate off-late. The lawyers make merry while hearts and families break off. In most of the cases, men fight among each other and it is the woman who bears the brunt of hatred. Or the one who loves more.

Abhishek* said...

At the same time, it will be a folly on our part to overlook the inferior status of women in our society.

They are frequently denied proper share in their parents' affection, and property. They are frequently considered second citizen in their own homes, and they are frequently treated like a burden. Their families know that dowry is the price hey have to pay to get rid of their girls.

No dowry seems enough to the greedy in-laws. Imagine - these greedy people insult, torture and even burn their brides alive! Their draconian deeds are responsible for such draconian laws. One injustice meets another! But they only add, not cancel each other.

Having a girl child makes a man not only economically but also socially vulnerable. Our values vary with gender, and bows before phallus. Our abusive words target someone's mother, sister, or daughter. Our movies portray them as objects to be sold and bought and consumed. We make them prostitutes; the ugliest ones of us lick them dirty and then wash their mouths clean.

It is hard not to be bitter in this situation. Thankfully the situation is improving with industry.

Let us not forget that no gender is complete. Each gender needs the opposite. Finally, we will be able to call ourselves civilized only when we will be able to protect the weak amongst us, man or woman.

Anonymous said...

As far the high divorce rate is concerned, perhaps getting out of an abusive relationship was not an option for women earlier thanks to complete financial dependence. The law is not blame as much as irresponsible invocation and shabby implementation of the law. If one sets their mind to it, any law can be misused to an exagerrated extent.

While you cry hoarse over draconian dowry prevention laws, admit that it is still an uphill task just to get a case registered for a woman facing domestic violence.