SMOKING: I hate smoke. It makes me dizzy. It makes me dizzier if it is produced from the burning of the tobacco of the cigarette the other end of which is between someone else's lips. I mean why should I made to suffer for someone else's pleasure? I dont want to be treated like a helpless fowl who is killed to gratify other's taste buds. I am not ready to sacrifice the no-headache state of my mind for the titillation of others' nerves. And I dont plan to die of lung cancer as well. If I have to die of AIDS I'll prefer to die not by a infected injection but by unbridled promiscuity. Similarly If I have to die of cancer then I'll prefer to choose my favorite cancer. There are so many of them available in market. Why lung cancer only? No lung cancer for me as I dont smoke. I am not giving anyone lung cancer so I expect the same from others. I dont want to bear the consequence of others' existential decisions. Go smoke and die. I couldnt care less. But spare me please. Smoking should be made strictly a private affair... like masturbation. The non-smokers, at least I, dont like their face to be subjected to the abominable end-product of someone's oral masturbation. Is that understood?
OK. Cool. Banning smoking at public places is most welcome. But how about implementation? In India you can even ban farting. No wise man will come out to protest. Why? Because here laws are produced like kids and similarly left to their fate.
What double standards! You will not ban the manufacture of cigarretes coz it generates a hell lot of revenue for you (only to be spent on your foreign tours) but you will surely ban showing someone smoking on screen. Are you sure what you want to do? You want people to smoke coz it gives you cash. Okay understandable. Then why the pretence of banning movies which feature it? Infact you should make it madatory in movies. Or you dont want people to smoke coz it reduces their life-span and your ratings in HDI? Then ban the very companies which produce it. Why banning the cinema only? What purpose do you think it would serve save some delta change in statistics? I mean I am feeling dizzy as I never felt before, that too without smoke. How extra-earthly ludicrous an idea it is!!! When this 'someone' smokes on screen I personally feel no danger of lung cancer or migraine. He can puff a whole bloody godown away for all I care! But no! He is not allowed to smoke there. When the same fellow comes out in open and smokes making me dizzy and vulnerable to unbartered and unsolicited death then there is noone to stop him! It is permitted for all practical purpose. I seriously want to see the faces of these law-makes behind which such superhuman brain rests! Bloody morons! All I get from government is that statutory warning in micro-mini font and a low-budget ad on Doordarshan before the news which noone watches anyways.
There are people who do the good things for the wrong reasons. It is not their mistake. There are certain things beyond our control. These people talk about art and aesthetics. These people are protesting the whole ban thing to salvage the creative freedom.
I am not saying they are wrong. I have tries to understand aesthetics but it is not that simple. So I will refrain from commenting about the importance of smoke in creativity. Smoke might help showing something which can not be shown otherwise. I neither dispute this point nor endorse it. But talking about aesthetics surely looks a bit incongruous for an industry which predominantly sells the movies plainly to pander the most immediate requirements of mass. I never subscribe to the idea that morality should be a subject matter of merchants. For a benifit of Rs 1 they can prostitute art with its family to some alien who would never come back here to return that at any cost. These people have vested interests. I dont trust them. Period.
But still I think that such type of banning is extra-terrestrially insane and it must be immediately repealed. Let the people have their little fun directly by smoking or vicariously. How else would a man of such country which was kept slave for 1000 years by foreigners and which features between sub-saharan countries in HDI feel masculine or even good? There are hazaar problems in the life of aam aadmi in India. Let them enjoy a little. Give them some life for God's sake. And please think about us non-smokers too.
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